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Extra Places for our Young Artists Development Programme

By Robert James

Extra places available on Young Artists Development Programme in September 2024  

English National Ballet School´s Young Artists Development Programme (formerly Professional Trainee Programme) offers graduate students the chance to further develop their technical and performance skills in preparation for a professional dance career. The programme bridges the gap between formal training and life as a professional dancer. We now have a few additional places available to recently graduated vocational students to start in September 2024. 

The programme, running from September 2024 until February 2025, is designed to prepare students to audition for professional ballet companies through intensive training and coaching. Full details can be found here.  

How to apply

To be considered for a place on the programme, candidates should submit the following: 

Completedonline application form 

A video of yourself performing a selection of class work as detailed below (please provide a link to YouTube in your application form).

Deadline for applications is Wednesday 14 August 2024.

Applications will be reviewed promptly in the order they are submitted so it is advisable to apply as soon as possible.  

Successful applicants will be contacted about the next stage of the audition process.

Video Requirements 
Applicants will be required to perform the following exercises on their video. Applicants will then be shortlisted for the next stage of the audition process.  

Videos do not have to be professionally edited or filmed. We are happy to accept videos filmed on smart phones if we can clearly see the dancer. Exercises do not have to be exact, but dancers should follow the guidelines as closely as possible.  Applicants should wear ballet shoes (pointe shoes for females in pointework exercises), tights and a leotard/unitard. 

For Females and Males

Barre Work
Please position the camera in front of the applicant to show FULL height and breadth in pliés and port de bras (section 1a). Please position the camera halfway between front and side for all other sections of the barre work to show full range of movements (sections 1b, 1c & 1d).

Barre work to cover:
a) pliés and port de bras
b) tendus and glissés (dégagés & jetés)
c) adage with fondus
d) grands battements and battements en cloche

Centre Practice – Centre Practice, Adage and Pirouettes
a) Centre Practice to include battement tendu and battement jeté, devant and derrière
b) Adage
c) Pirouettes may be from 5th, 2nd, or 4th position, done on the right or the left sides, en dehors and en dedans
Males Only
d) Pirouettes continuously from 5th position and/or a la seconde.

Allegro to cover:
a) Petit allegro terre à terre (quick steps)
b) Batterie
c) 1 enchaȋnement showing travelling jumps including waltzes, grand jeté en tournant and jeté en avant.
Males Only
d) Tour en l’air, done on the right and left sides
e) Entrechat six
f) Coupé jeté
g) Saut de basque

Pointe Work (Females Only) to cover:
a) Simple échappé relevé in 2nd and 4th, retiré relevé and passé relevé
b) Simple pirouettes from 4th position
c) Couru en diagonale (bourreé suivi)
d) Diagonal of piqué turns
e) Pirouettes continuously from 5th position and/or fouettés en tournant.

 You can upload your video(s) through the following:  

Register for a YouTube account & sign in 
Click your profile picture thumbnail in the top right corner 
In the drop down menu, click YouTube Studio (beta) 
Click Upload Video 
Click Select Files to Upload 
Select your audition video and click Open 
Once your file has finished processing, go to the dropdown menu on the centre, right side of the page where you can choose between Public, Unlisted, Private, Scheduled. 
Choose Unlisted 
Finish the upload by clicking Publish  

Once you have uploaded your video, please provide the link and password in your online application form. 

If you have any questions, please email traineeprogramme@enbschool.org.uk

